From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: Obligations <>
Date: 25/11/2019 15:21:40 UTC
Subject: ODG: Just Published!
Attachments: image002.jpg

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to Andrew Robertson and James Goudkamp and James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan on the publication of two new edited collections with Hart.  The descriptions of the books and ordering details are below:


cid:image012.jpg@01D5A08A.F87B7870Scholars of Tort Law

Edited by James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan


The publication of Scholars of Tort Law marks the beginning of a long overdue rebalancing of private law scholarship. Instead of concentrating on judicial decisions and academic commentary only for what that commentary says about judicial decisions, the book explores the contributions of scholars of tort law in their own right. The work of a selection of leading scholars of tort law from across the common law world, ranging from Thomas Cooley (1824–1898) to Patrick Atiyah (1931–2018), is addressed by eminent current scholars in the field. The focus of the contributions is on the nature of the work produced by each of the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the influence which that work in turn had on thinking about tort law. The process of subjecting tort law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of tort law and reveals the important role played by scholars in that development. By focusing on the work of influential tort scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.


James Goudkamp is Professor of the Law of Obligations at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of Keble College, Oxford.

Donal Nolan is Professor of Private Law at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford.


Oct 2019   |   9781509910571   |   424pp   |   Hardback   |    RSP: £85  

Discount Price: £68

Order online at – use the code CV7 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!





cid:image014.jpg@01D5A08A.F87B7870Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations

Edited by Andrew Robertson and James Goudkamp


This volume explores the relationship between form and substance in the law of obligations. It builds on the rich tradition of legal thought that deploys the concepts of form and substance to inform our understanding of the common law. The essays in this collection offer multiple conceptions of form and substance and cover an array of private law subjects, scholarly approaches and jurisdictions. The collection makes it clear that the interplay between form and substance is a key element of the dynamism that characterises this area of the law.


Andrew Robertson is Professor of Law at the University of Melbourne.

James Goudkamp is Professor of the Law of Obligations at the University of Oxford.


Nov 2019   |   9781509929450   |   504pp   |   Hbk   |    RSP: £95  

Discount Price: £76

Order online at – use the code CV7 at the checkout to get 20% off your order!






Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)